Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Trip to the Library

Having grown up in a house where my parents took us to the library once a week to select a new round of books, I've always had a library card. Today, when I needed a particular book for work, I was surprised to learn the amazing collection the Allentown Library had of a relatively obscure subject. Interestingly, I tried to go to a couple of area bookstores to buy the book but had no success. The Allentown Library, however came through and with some amazing service from the library staff to make my hunt a little bit easier.

The Library is one of those community assets that doesn't get enough proper attention. From newspapers to online catalogues and little-used reference materials to historical resources, the Allentown Library may very well be one of the finest public libraries in the state. All within a short walk from the Old Allentown neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

Hi Geoff,

I just realized that you post here, too.

I agree that we have a fantastic library. I've killed some Saturday afternoons there. Watch out, those big, squishy leather chairs are dangerously comfortable to read in.

Geoff Brace said...

Yeah, this is a project Matt and I have been trying to keep up with but struggling. We need to find more people to take this on.

I have found two solutions to the squishy chairs: drink lots of coffee before hand or opt for one of the tables.